Office of Benefits


The Benefits Office provides benefit plan administrative and advisement support to all employees at a diocesan parish, school, institution, and agency. Administrative support includes processing enrollments, status changes, terminations, and premium payments. Benefit plan advisement includes assisting employees with benefit questions regarding eligibility, coverage, and claims. The Benefits Office also works closely with benefit plan vendors in making sure that employees are covered in a timely manner, claims are correctly processed, and benefit plans are routinely reviewed and recommendations are made for any applicable changes.

The Benefits Office is committed to:

  • supporting and maintaining the Mission of the Diocese of Gary in all internal and external business interactions.
  • providing quality service with professional expertise to all Diocese of Gary employees.
  • respecting and safeguarding the confidentiality of all benefit information.
  • assisting employees in a way that encourages active involvement in their benefit plans.
  • preserving the integrity and legal compliance of all Diocese of Gary benefit plans.

Summary of Benefits for Applicants

2025 Active Employee Benefit Booklet

For more information and forms for active employee benefits, visit Mission Support.