In support of the Diocese of Gary's values and mission, the Office of Human Resources is committed to provide quality services which promote a work environment that is characterized by fair and just treatment of staff, open communication, personal accountability, trust and mutual respect as it relates to all personnel operations. Mindful of civil law and the protections and restrictions it places on employers and employees, the Office of Human Resources is pledged to support pastors, administrators and employees in a caring Christian manner that will integrate best business practices with Gospel values. This will be accomplished with integrity, responsiveness and sensitivity to the employees of the Diocese of Gary.
Equal Opportunity Employer
The Diocese of Gary is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The Diocese of Gary assures equal employment opportunity in all its employment policies and practices. These policies and practices are administered without regard to race, color, national origin, age, gender, marital status, political affiliation, veteran status, service membership, sexual orientation or mental or physical disabilities not affecting one's ability to perform the essential functions of one's job.
There are certain positions in the Diocese of Gary for which it is necessary to be Catholic, and some positions for which preference in hiring shall be given to people who are Catholic and who evidence an understanding of the Catholic faith and a commitment to living that faith. Such preference is allowed under state and federal law, and does not constitute an illegal act of discrimination.