We are encouraging all benefits eligible employees, retirees, and family members to participate.
We are encouraging all benefits eligible employees, retirees, and family members to participate in our annual Wellness Event. During this event, those covered by the Diocese of Gary’s Anthem Medical Insurance Program can get a comprehensive metabolic panel, lipid panel and complete blood count done free of cost. Those employees and family not on our plan, can also sign up for the above blood work for only $40 (average lab cost for these tests: $318). Additional screenings are available at a reduced cost. Registration for the events open September 1, 2021.
Also, we will have Jewel Osco pharmacy personnel on sight to provide free flu, pneumonia, tetanus and shingles shots along with Covid Vaccines for employees on our Anthem plan. Employees just need to bring their Express Script prescription card for this service.
This year, all who participate will have the chance to enter to win one of several generous raffle prizes donated by our business partners! If you would so kindly, please share the attached with your staff members, we would greatly appreciate your help in increasing participation in the Employee Wellness Event 2021.
Schedule your appointment: `
1) Call (219) 322-7041 or (800) 915-4583
2) Online at helthcheck.net
Click on Appointment Calendar
and enter password: LABS