Diocesan Stewardship Commission

The Diocesan Stewardship Commission empowers and collaborates with parishes to form intentional disciples. The Commission provides resources and training for parish stewardship commissions to promote the lifestyle by which we live out our baptismal promise of discipleship.

Our Vision

Parishes embrace stewardship as a means to build the Kingdom of God by fostering active discipleship, transforming people's relationship with God and enhancing their interpersonal relationships and engagement in the Church community.

Our Mission

Accompany and guide parish leadership groups as they lead their parishes to become more dynamic communities through a stewardship way of life and culture.

Our Values
  • Partnering in God's Mission through intentional accompaniment and building relationships
  • Being a resource through prayer, education and engagement
  • Walking humbly with God, receiving gratefully and sharing joyfully

"Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give." Matthew 10:8

For more information, email stewardship@dcgary.org

clicking graphic CLICK FOR... Stewardship Resources for Your Parish