Healing the pain of abortion, one weekend at a time


Hurting after abortion? You are not alone. There is hope!

Come find healing and reconciliation

Rachel's Vineyard  

of Northwest Indiana

(219) 552-2944 Confidential Line

What is a Rachel's Vineyard Retreat?  

Rachel's Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild, and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential, and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release, and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal, and healing.

Why would I need to attend?

Since abortion is usually a carefully guarded secret, many people find it hard to process their experience and acknowledge their emotions. Buried feelings can cause other problems, even years after the abortion, such as eating disorders, depression, guilt, drug and alcohol abuse, intense sorrow, worthlessness, anger, flashbacks, panic attacks, suicidal urges, feelings of abandonment by God, and the inability to forgive oneself.

Who can attend?

The retreat is open to any woman or man who is struggling with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion.  Mothers, fathers, married couples, grandparents, and siblings of aborted children, as well as workers in the abortion industry, have found peace and inner healings through Rachel's Vineyard.

Time to heal

This is a chance to get away from daily life and finally examine your painful past through a supportive and nurturing process. You will have the opportunity to enter the grieving process and identify the ways abortion has affected you.

Pain, guilt, shame, and suffering are transformed through a spiritual process based on the Bible, using rituals, meditation, and reflection, ending with a memorial service and Mass of Resurrection 

What is provided?

  • Private room
  • All meals (special dietary needs will be accommodated)
  • Time for reflection and prayer - the weekend takes a Catholic Christian perspective, but persons of any faith background are welcome
  • A safe and non-judgmental environment
  • Holy Mass and Reconciliation
  • An ending Memorial Service where you will have the opportunity to invite close family or friends

This is the place...

  • to heal your wounded heart
  • to find understanding hearts to embrace you
  • to receive Christ's mercy and grace
  • to finally forgive yourself