HAMMOND – Just a few days after celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in a colorful service, the St. John Bosco parish community gathered for Mass, with Bishop Robert J. McClory presiding, for another occasion in which color reflected the importance of the day.
The liturgy took place on the Third Sunday of Advent, known as Gaudete Sunday. The term “gaudete” refers to the first word of the Entrance Antiphon, "Rejoice." Rose-colored vestments are worn by clergy to emphasize the joy that Christmas is near, and the rose candle is lit on the Advent wreath.
The shepherd of the Diocese of Gary delivered a special message to parishioners before heading into the core of the busy holiday season.
“This is a day of rejoicing in the midst of Advent,” said Bishop McClory. “We know that the Lord is there for us, and he wants us to turn our anxieties over to him.”
During the homily, the bishop noted that many people struggle with anxiety.
“My guess is that a majority of us here would admit to some form of anxiety, and it's true not just of those who are adults but it’s very true of our young people as well,” he said.
In the midst of whatever anxieties people may be facing, Bishop McClory stated, God wants them to rejoice. The bishop continued by reading aloud a command delivered by St. Paul, which describes how to live a life of rejoicing and how to live a life free of anxiety:
Brothers and sisters:
Rejoice in the Lord always.
I shall say it again: rejoice!
Your kindness should be known to all.
The Lord is near.
Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. - Philippians 4
Bishop McClory said it’s important when presenting prayers and petitions to the Lord, to do it with a spirit of thanksgiving. What that looks like, the bishop explained, is thanking God ahead of time for what he will do in the future, being grateful for what he has done in the past and being appreciative of the present.
“To remember those blessings also puts those things into focus and context because we remind ourselves of those things in which we give thanks,” he said.
Before the conclusion of the service, pastor Father Jeffrey Burton thanked Bishop McClory for his attendance and offered a prayer for the leader of the diocese. With the congregation extending their hands towards the bishop, he prayed: “Lord, we ask you to be among our brother, our shepherd, our bishop. Give him the gift of wisdom. Give him the boldness of the Holy Spirit to make those decisions necessary so that all of us may experience that future full of hope that you promise.”
Parishioner Barbara Helmuth said it was wonderful to see the bishop at the parish. She has been a long time member of the church and shared that her children and grandchildren also attend services there.
“It’s a family for me,” she said, reflecting on the parish atmosphere, “a family away from the family. When you are here as long as I have been you don’t want to go anywhere else. I know everybody.”
Her granddaughter Katie Selbe agreed. Although she now attends college, she still enjoys the opportunity to visit her home parish.
“I like going here,” she said. “It's familiar. Even if I don't know the names of people here, I know a lot of faces.”
The parish continued celebrating the Advent season during the weekend of Dec. 22, by hosting a Brunch with Santa and organizing Christmas Caroling at the Albertine Home. For more information on St. John Bosco events and a schedule of Mass times, visit sjbhammond.org.
Caption: Bishop Robert J. McClory celebrated Mass with Father Jeffrey Burton and the congregation of St. John Bosco in Hammond on Dec. 15. On the third Sunday of Advent, also known as Gaudete Sunday, the bishop shared the message that the faithful can bring their anxieties to the Lord and reminded them to rejoice in God's blessings. (Erin Ciszczon photo)