Solemn evening prayer marks Feast of St. Patrick

WINFIELD – “Jesus is the light of the world, a light no darkness can extinguish,” Father Ian Williams proclaimed as he processed up the darkened aisle of Holy Spirit with the lit Paschal Candle to begin a Solemn Evening Prayer marking the Feast of St. Patrick on March 17.
The Service of Light included hymns, “Christ Be Our Light,” “Day is Done” and “My Soul Gives Glory,” as well as the Canticle of Daniel and several psalms.
Among the prayers led by Father Williams, priest-in-residence at St. Helen in Hebron, was “Father, we ask you to give us victory and peace. In Jesus Christ, our Lord and King, we are already seated at your right hand. We look forward to praising you in the fellowship of your saints in our heavenly homeland.
Father Williams also shared with the congregation, many of them wearing green, a cover photo on the prayer service program of a stone relief of St. Patrick that he took at a 12th century Irish monastery on a recent pilgrimage to the Emerald Isle.
Following the service, worshippers regrouped in the Rev. Joseph V. Murphy Family Life Center to share a traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner in honor of St. Patrick. “It is fitting that we host this prayer service on St. Patrick’s Day, since he brought so many into the Church,” said Father Tom Mischler, pastor of One Catholic Family churches Holy Spirit, St. Helen in Hebron and St. Mary in Kouts.
St. Patrick was born more than 1,500 years ago and became famous as an Irish missionary.
When he was young, he was taken from his British home and made a slave in Ireland. After he escaped, he became a priest and returned to Ireland to preach God’s love. He used a shamrock – a three-leafed plant – to teach people about the Holy Trinity. He helped convert many to Christianity and is remembered for his faith, courage and kindness. A legend has it that St. Patrick cast the snakes out of Ireland to save the people.


Caption: Parishioners Mary Ellen LaDuke (left) and Jeanne DeLasCasas place their candles in sand while others wait their turn at Holy Spirit in Winfield on March 17, the Feast of St. Patrick. After participating in a Service of Light, the congregation shared a corned beef and cabbage dinner with their One Catholic Family neighbors. (Marlene A. Zloza photo)

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