Sausage maker and school bus driver two of the many hats worn by Br. Shaun

MICHIGAN CITY – Brother Shaun Gray described Jan. 31, 2025 as “bittersweet” as it was his last day serving the St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Church/School and Marquette Catholic High School communities, the communities he has been a part of for the last 20 years.
Gray was called to serve his Brothers of Holy Cross community at the Holy Cross College campus, in South Bend. He will serve as rector at St. Joseph Chapel and will coordinate events and help with Masses.
The man known for his quick-witted humor, shared how he’ll miss everyone in the Michigan City communities, knows he needs to return to his Holy Cross community.
Gray explained, “I’ve been at St. Stan's for 20 years and was not involved with my Holy Cross community. I was out of the loop for 20 years and now it’s a necessity that I return back to my community and work with my brothers – especially due to the aging situation here.”
LaPorte County has been home to Gray for much longer than 20 years.
After joining the Holy Cross community in 1965, he was part of the St. Joseph Novitiate in Rolling Prairie from 1966-67 before moving to Holy Cross College. He returned to Rolling Prairie in 1969 to serve at LeMans Academy (formerly the St. Joseph Novitiate), a middle school boys boarding school sponsored by Brothers of Holy Cross until its closing in 2003, when it became the Sacred Heart Apostolic School.
Gray arrived at St. Stanislaus on Sept. 4, 2004. During his time at St. Stan's, he served as athletic director, girls basketball coach and substitute teacher. He helped in the lunchroom and assisted or sponsored the Taste of Poland, Polish Platter, raffle nights and the parish festival. He also helped prepare for and served at the Masses.    
His claim to fame is his famous homemade sausage, sold at Christmas and Easter. 
Gray assisted the Marquette community in many roles which included helping during the lunches, transportation director, as well as driving the buses, shuttling students to and from school as well as getting athletes to and from games. He also served on the school’s advisory board.
Although Gray will always call Holy Cross campus home, he reassured his Michigan City family he won’t be a stranger.
“Don’t worry folks, I’ll be back for various activities- and of course, sausage making and sausage sales,” Gray said.


Caption: Bishop Robert J. McClory greets Brother Shaun Gray in the Marquette Catholic High School Scholl Center prior to the start of the all-city Catholic Schools Week Mass on Jan. 30. The bishop thanked Gray for his service to the Michigan City community. (Deacon Bob Wellinski photo)

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