Our diocesan newspaper will no longer be printed, what’s next?

During the past four years, the Diocese of Gary began taking a closer look at how it communicates with its faithful. How do Catholics in Northwest Indiana like to receive their news? What type of information do they want to receive? These were just a few of the many questions we set out to answer. We looked into national trends, reviewed data research, conducted our own surveys and then shared the information with the leadership of the Diocese of Gary. 

Although it was not an easy decision, nor one we took lightly, after weighing everything from low subscription numbers to high printing cost, it became apparent we needed to make some changes. If the diocese was going to continue spreading the Good News of Jesus, we needed to focus on the most current communication tools available. 
In the Jan. 19 issue of the Northwest Indiana Catholic, Bishop Robert J. McClory shared the decision that was made to discontinue the newspaper at the end of the current subscription cycle. In that letter, he stated that while our faithful subscribers enjoy the printed newspaper, we must acknowledge data that confirms more people are using digital media. 
“I ask you to join me as missionary disciples to support this transition to expand the communication tools we use to share the message of Jesus Christ,” Bishop McClory said.
Since that announcement, our communications office has received calls from parish staff members and current subscribers with a variety of questions pertaining to plans for the future. Here are a few of those frequently asked questions:

Q. When will the Diocese of Gary stop printing hard copies of the Northwest Indiana Catholic? 
A. Subscribers who paid for their annual subscription in 2024 will receive a full year of publications ending with the March 16, 2025 edition. 

Q. Can I sign up for a digital edition of the newspaper?
A. Since the newspaper will no longer be produced, the former “flipbook” or digital edition of the newspaper will no longer be available. Instead, content will be shared on the Northwest Indiana Catholic website and in the weekly Good News e-newsletter. 

Q. Where can I find my local Catholic news? 
A. Local, regional, and world news can be found at dcgary.org/northwest-indiana-catholic. Readers will continue to find great stories in that format. We have made it a priority to keep the information on the site as current as possible. New articles are being posted daily so be sure to check back often!
Faithful are also invited to sign up to receive the Good News e-newsletter at dcgary.flocknote.com/NWICSubscribers. The e-newsletter is mobile responsive and is easily read on any device. It packages important diocesan information in one convenient email. 

Q. Is there a fee to receive communications from the Diocese of Gary?
A. There is no charge to view the NWIC website or receive the Good News e-newsletter. As we are all called to be missionary disciples, it's important to share our content at no cost and make it easy for faithful to share our stories with family, friends and others.

Q. Will there be a different type of printed publication from the diocese?
A. Yes! The communications team is currently working on a magazine which will be shared with all registered households. Like the news website and e-newsletter, everyone will be able to sign up to receive the magazine, free of charge.  

Q. What if I still have questions?
A. The Northwest Indiana Catholic newspaper has had a long history within the Diocese of Gary and we understand change can be difficult. We are happy to help answer any questions you may have by calling (219) 769-9292 or you may send an email to nwic@dcgary.org.

Erin Ciszczon is the editor of the Northwest Indiana Catholic newspaper. 

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