COLUMN: We, as disciples of Jesus, carry out his mission at parish, diocesan level

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the many, many dedicated people from parishes in the four counties of our diocese who volunteer their time serving on diocesan boards and committees. The gift of their time and talents is a marvelous expression of their love for the Church and their desire that we do everything possible to bring people to Jesus Christ and eternal life in the kingdom of God.

I believe that this accountability report is important, but it does not tell the whole story of how we, the disciples of Jesus, carry out His mission in and through the Church at the diocesan and parish level. It doesn’t consider the gathering of all of us as a people of faith every Sunday and several of us on weekdays in the most sacred act of worship, Holy Mass. It doesn’t speak about the numbers of young and old who grow in their faith through participation in our Catholic schools, religious education, youth, young adult and adult faith formation programs.

Nor does our financial accountability mention the sick, shut-ins, and people struggling with material needs who are served daily in our parishes, hospitals and convalescent homes, shelters, soup kitchens, and other outreach ministries. It doesn’t take into account the very powerful ministry that is conducted on Sundays and throughout the week in Indiana State Prison, Westville Correctional Center, county jails, and youth homes.

Nor does this accountability report mention the significant outreach of the diocese and individual parishes to our sister Diocese of Fort-Liberté in Haiti and other support given where it is so desperately needed in other places throughout the world. Nor does it take into account the thousand daily random acts of charity and patience, mercy and forgiveness extended by Catholics across the diocese to bring peace, love, truth, and justice to individuals and groups in our communities.

This report does reflect the depths of our faith which enables us to recognize that everything that we have comes from our good and loving God. It does reflect the seriousness with which we live our faith and our desire to be good stewards and collaborators with the Lord and one another in accomplishing the common mission which God has entrusted to us all. May the God of mercy and peace, who is never outdone in generosity, continue to bless you and your families with His mercy, love, and joy that no one can take from you.

Sincerely yours in the Lord Jesus,

Most Reverend + Dale J. Melczek

Bishop of Gary

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