During World Youth Day in Brazil on July 25, 2013, Pope Francis challenged us to “never tire of working for a more just world, marked by greater solidarity.” Over 40 years ago, the bishops of the United States established the Catholic Campaign for Human Development as our domestic anti-poverty, social justice effort to eradicate poverty. Its mission is to address the root causes of poverty in America through the promotion and support of community-controlled, self-help organizations and through transformative education.
Projects supported by CCHD provide for more than basic needs. They are intended to build healthy, sustainable futures for communities. For example, ten years ago, Boston’s Haley House began offering bakery training at the request of a few regular guests at the soup kitchen. Experiencing a tremendous demand, Haley House created a six-month course that includes customer relations and basic business principles. Haley House currently has 70 trainees who have completed the program and are now employed in the Boston area.
I encourage your generous support of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) which will be taken up in all of our parishes across the United States this weekend before Thanksgiving. Our generosity enables us to stand in solidarity with the poor in the tradition of the Church’s biblical tradition and our modern Catholic social teaching. Our ministry for justice is rooted in our Baptism and faith commitment.
This annual CCHD collection offers new hope each year to those living in poverty throughout the United States. Twenty-five percent of the proceeds from the CCHD stays here in our diocese to address poverty in our four counties. Your participation in this weekend’s CCHD collection helps defend human dignity and show Christ’s charity to those in need.