Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Yesterday we celebrated the Solemnity of the Annunciation - the moment when the angel Gabriel visited Mary, and with Mary’s yes, Jesus was incarnate by the Holy Spirit in her womb. With the Blessed Mother, let us ask the Holy Spirit to fill us these days. I pray that we may experience anew the great gift of Jesus.
During these days, I have been in regular consultation with our Diocese of Gary COVID-19 Task Force, the College of Consultors (a group comprised of our deans and pastors), various work groups, and members of the faithful as we do our best to respond pastorally and practically to the current pandemic. The situation sometimes changes by the hour as we receive and incorporate new directives guided by civil authorities, public health officials, the Holy See, and the USCCB.
As we approach Holy Week, it is clear that our current limitations will remain in effect. All Masses will continue to be offered only privately until sometime after Easter. This is not easy news to absorb, nor is it easy for me to share. Holy Week is the high point of our year and this is an incredible sacrifice we are making for the health and wellbeing of all – and for the common good.
During this time of private celebration of our liturgies, I am impressed that so many of you have participated remotely through the live streaming of our Masses. We will continue to avail ourselves of these technologies and will be offering resources for use at home during Holy Week.
The Chrism Mass will be offered privately and live streamed from the Cathedral on Monday, April 6 at 11:00am. This is a special celebration which includes the blessing of the holy oils and normally involves the participation of all the priests and parishes of the diocese. For this year, the only concelebrating priests will be our four deans.
Please consult with your parish to see if they are livestreaming the liturgies. All of my Sunday and Holy Week liturgies will be livestreamed. Information regarding livestreamed liturgies (and additional spiritual resources) is available at www.dcgary.org.
We’re in this together. So let’s pray together. As was announced earlier this week, I am asking you to join in a moment of daily prayer and church bells at 12noon and 6pm. The two simple prayers I am proposing are: “Jesus I trust in you” and “Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.” Set your cell phones or alarms to remind you to pray. In addition, our Holy Father Pope Francis will confer a special urbi et orbi blessing on Friday March 27 at 12noon (CST). Please watch via the internet or television.
If you have any intentions you’d like me to pray for, please email them to pray@dcgary.org. Your prayer requests will be forwarded to me so that I can lift them up personally in prayer.
I would also ask you to please continue your financial support to your parish. They rely entirely on your contributions and your generosity. I am very grateful for your support, especially during this time.
We are in unchartered territory, but we are in this together. Let us entrust ourselves to Jesus through the hands of Our Lady of Lourdes. Let us pray for her continued intercession during these days, for healing and comfort to those who are suffering. We call upon the Holy Angels to give consolation and protection.
Jesus, I trust in you…
Your Servant,
The Most Reverend Robert J. McClory
Diocese of Gary
Yesterday we celebrated the Solemnity of the Annunciation - the moment when the angel Gabriel visited Mary, and with Mary’s yes, Jesus was incarnate by the Holy Spirit in her womb. With the Blessed Mother, let us ask the Holy Spirit to fill us these days. I pray that we may experience anew the great gift of Jesus.
During these days, I have been in regular consultation with our Diocese of Gary COVID-19 Task Force, the College of Consultors (a group comprised of our deans and pastors), various work groups, and members of the faithful as we do our best to respond pastorally and practically to the current pandemic. The situation sometimes changes by the hour as we receive and incorporate new directives guided by civil authorities, public health officials, the Holy See, and the USCCB.
As we approach Holy Week, it is clear that our current limitations will remain in effect. All Masses will continue to be offered only privately until sometime after Easter. This is not easy news to absorb, nor is it easy for me to share. Holy Week is the high point of our year and this is an incredible sacrifice we are making for the health and wellbeing of all – and for the common good.
During this time of private celebration of our liturgies, I am impressed that so many of you have participated remotely through the live streaming of our Masses. We will continue to avail ourselves of these technologies and will be offering resources for use at home during Holy Week.
The Chrism Mass will be offered privately and live streamed from the Cathedral on Monday, April 6 at 11:00am. This is a special celebration which includes the blessing of the holy oils and normally involves the participation of all the priests and parishes of the diocese. For this year, the only concelebrating priests will be our four deans.
Please consult with your parish to see if they are livestreaming the liturgies. All of my Sunday and Holy Week liturgies will be livestreamed. Information regarding livestreamed liturgies (and additional spiritual resources) is available at www.dcgary.org.
We’re in this together. So let’s pray together. As was announced earlier this week, I am asking you to join in a moment of daily prayer and church bells at 12noon and 6pm. The two simple prayers I am proposing are: “Jesus I trust in you” and “Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.” Set your cell phones or alarms to remind you to pray. In addition, our Holy Father Pope Francis will confer a special urbi et orbi blessing on Friday March 27 at 12noon (CST). Please watch via the internet or television.
If you have any intentions you’d like me to pray for, please email them to pray@dcgary.org. Your prayer requests will be forwarded to me so that I can lift them up personally in prayer.
I would also ask you to please continue your financial support to your parish. They rely entirely on your contributions and your generosity. I am very grateful for your support, especially during this time.
We are in unchartered territory, but we are in this together. Let us entrust ourselves to Jesus through the hands of Our Lady of Lourdes. Let us pray for her continued intercession during these days, for healing and comfort to those who are suffering. We call upon the Holy Angels to give consolation and protection.
Jesus, I trust in you…
Your Servant,
The Most Reverend Robert J. McClory
Diocese of Gary
6 de Marzo de 2020
Ayer celebramos la solemnidad de la Anunciación, en el momento en que el Ángel Gabriel visitó a María, y con el sí de María, Jesús fue encarnado por el Espíritu Santo en su vientre. Con la Santísima Madre, pidamos al Espíritu Santo que nos llene en estos días. Rezo para que todos podamos experimentar de nuevo el gran regalo de Jesús.
Durante estos días, he estado en consultas periódicas con nuestro grupo de Fuerza de Tarea COVID-19 de la Diócesis de Gary, el Grupo de Consultores (un grupo compuesto por nuestros decanos y pastores), varios grupos de trabajo y miembros de los fieles mientras hacemos nuestro mejor esfuerzo para responder al pastoral y prácticamente a la pandemia actual. La situación cambia cada hora a medida que recibimos e incorporamos nuevas directivas guiadas por las autoridades civiles, los funcionarios de salud pública, la Santa Sede y la USCCB.
A medida que nos acercamos a la Semana Santa, está claro que nuestras limitaciones actuales seguirán vigentes. Todas las misas se seguirán ofreciendo solo en privado hasta algún momento después de Pascua. Esta no es una noticia fácil de asimilar, ni tampoco es fácil para mí compartirla. La Semana Santa es el punto culminante de nuestro año y este es un sacrificio increíble que estamos haciendo por la salud y el bienestar de todos, y por el bien común.
Durante este tiempo de celebración privada de nuestras liturgias, estoy impresionado de que muchos de ustedes hayan participado remotamente a través de la transmisión en vivo de nuestras Misas. Continuaremos aprovechando estas tecnologías y ofreceremos recursos para usar en casa durante la Semana Santa.
La misa de Crisma se ofrecerá en privado y se transmitirá en vivo desde la Catedral el lunes 6 de abril a las 11:00 a.m. Esta es una celebración especial que incluye la bendición de los aceites sagrados y normalmente involucra la participación de todos los sacerdotes y parroquias de la diócesis. Para este año, los únicos sacerdotes concelebrantes serán nuestros cuatro Decanos.
Consulte con su parroquia para ver si están transmitiendo en vivo las liturgias. Todas mis liturgias dominicales y de la Semana Santa serán transmitidas en vivo. La información sobre liturgias transmitidas en vivo (y recursos espirituales adicionales) está disponible en www.dcgary.org.
Estamos en esto juntos. Entonces oremos juntos. Como se anunció a principios de esta semana. Les pido que se unan a un momento de oración mientras las campanas de la iglesia suenan a las 12 de la tarde y a las 6 p.m. Las dos oraciones simples que propongo son: "Jesús, confío en ti" y "Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, ruega por nosotros". Pongan sus alarmas o un recordatorio en sus teléfonos celulares para recordar que es hora de orar. Además, nuestro Santo Padre el Papa Francisco conferirá una bendición especial Urbi or orbi el viernes 27 de marzo a las 12 del mediodía (CST). La puedes ver por internet o televisión.
Si tiene alguna intención por la que quiera que oremos, envíela por correo electrónico a pray@dcgary.org. Sus peticiones de oración me serán enviadas para que pueda levantarlas personalmente en oración.
También le pediría que continúe con su apoyo financiero a su parroquia. Dependen completamente de sus contribuciones y su generosidad. Estoy muy agradecido por su apoyo, especialmente durante este tiempo.
Estamos en territorio desconocido, pero estamos juntos en esto. Confiemos a Jesús a través de las manos de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. Oremos por su continua intercesión durante estos días, para sanar y consolar a los que sufren. Hacemos un llamado a los Santos Ángeles para que nos den consuelo y protección.
Jesús, en ti confío...
Tu siervo,
El reverendo Robert J. McClory
Diócesis de Gary