English Breakout Sessions
Adam Antone - Mental Health
Meg Hunter-Kilmer - The Saints
Dr. Mary Healy - Healing: For Such a Time as This
Dr. Edward Sri - Missionary Discipleship and Evangelization
Spanish Breakout Sessions
Gaby Martinez - Mental Health
Dr. Oscar Castellanos - The Saints
Pery Martinez - Healing
Dr. William Becerra - Missionary Discipleship and Evangelization
7:00: Doors Open and Confessions
8:00 AM: Mass
9:30 AM-10:30 AM: Keynote
10:30-11:00 AM Break
11:00-noon: Breakout
Noon-1:00 PM: Lunch and Confessions
1:30-2:30 PM Adoration with Praise and Worship
2:00-3:00 PM: Keynote
3:00-3:30 PM Break
3:30-4:30 PM Breakout
4:45-5:00 PM Commissioning
Registration now open! Register here.
$75, use code EARLYBIRD for $50 registration up until Divine Mercy Sunday
$20 per child receiving childcare (up to age 10) up to 3 kids, then just a flat rate $60
Student rate: $25
Emmaus Conference Sponsors